Minggu, 21 Desember 2008


finally finallyyyyy Internet has come to my house yo yo!
hehehe seneng banget gile men.

well, gue udah berjanji gue akan mengupdate byk hal, tp skrg gue lg such in hurry soalnya mau gantian sm adek gue.

yah gapapa gue cuman mau ngasih pengumuman aja, at least gue bisa update teratur slm liburan ini.

tp hmm ada kabar buruk juga dikit, jd bibi gue pulang, hmmmm jd gue hrs jadi pembantu serep nih dirumah. gapapa lah yg penting internet sudah bisa hehehe

okay then, wait up for the next update ya! I'll share some photos too! byeeee!


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