Jumat, 03 April 2009

Hey People

So what's up?
Me is not really good right here.
I'm sick, errrrr the weather seem not really friendly to me and so here I am, staying home instead of studying with my crazy-classmatos, lol, I miss them a lot.

So people, I've been busy studying (errr okay, not really) for UTUL UGM which will be held on this Sunday. Oh people, this thing makes me so nervous! And yeah, Furthermore, tomorrow will be one of the biggest day in April, PENGUMUMAN SIMAK UI. Gosh.

You know, Gue sudah dengar beberapa teman gue yang sudah dapet kuliah. Some of them got PMDK UI, PMDK UNS, PBS UGM, and also I heard some of my schoolmate got the interview for the NTU. What a great thing they got! Honestly, gue iri. Iyalah, siapa yang enggak? Mereka sekarang udah lepas dari satu beban, seenggaknya mereka sudah punya masa depan di tangan mereka. Dan lagi, betapa bangganya mereka bisa mendapatkan ucapan selamat dari orang-orang. "Congratulation!", that's exactly the word I really want to hear tomorrow. God, I know You know the best thing for me, so please, give it to me, ONLY, if it's the best for me.

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay gue sudah tidak konsen belajar lagi, that announcement thing drives me insane. I can't think, I can't breathe, I can't even sleep. Okay, it's time to be positive, I know. tapi, kalo emang besok hasilnya negatif, gue harus terima, even kalo sampe gue juga ga keterima di Teknik Kimia. Gue harus ikhlas. But who knows? Mempraktekkan sebuah teori itu gak segampang yang kita bicarakan. Gue yakin, hari ini, detik ini, hasil sudah ada. apapun hasilnya itu, bakal keluar besok. dan jikalau besok hasilnya tidak seperti yang gue harapkan, gue hanya memohon kepada kalian semua yang membaca blog gue ini, untuk tidak merendahkan gue :'(

Hari minggu besok gue akan bertempur di perang ke-2. Apapun hasilnya besok, gue harap tidak mempengaruhi kesiapan gue untuk hari berikutnya, Amin. Wish me luck you guys :')

Love, xoxo


heyifa mengatakan...

Kooong, gue deg-degan banget nih. Ntar malem jam 12 udah ada lho pengumumannya.

Kiky mengatakan...

me too fa, I wish I didn't sick, gue pengen berbagi kegundahan hati huhuhu

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