Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Deepest Obsession

Okay, I always tell you that I really want to be a doctor.
but really, deep down in my heart, I have another big obsession.

I really love photography though I'm not really good on it. Unfortunately, I don't have any SLR Camera yet. that's why I didn't hunt frequently. this is not only a hobby for me, but also, mmmm, should I say another way to brighten up my day? lol. whenever I feel bad, I'll catch up with photography. either by hunting for photos or surfing on deviantArt.

Beside photography, I also fall in love with football. No, not that I say I could play football. I'm just admiring the match, the players, the team, the uniform, the stadium and others. I have a dream, that someday I could go to London then visit my favorite football team's stadium, Stamford Bridge (Chelsea).

Combining those two things that I really love most, I have found my deepest obsession, becoming a sports photographer, especially football match's photographer.

credit for Flickr

Whoa, I can't imagine how proud to have that kind of job! You can go to the stadium freely with your ID, also you can watch the match on the very first row! Arrrgh, I wish I could! Beside that I could also take the photos which I'd I really love to do! Don't you think that they're sooo lucky to be them? Looking at those very big and long lenses on their hands, I envy them very much. If I could get this job, it's possible that I could also meet Michael Ballack! aaaaaaaaa.

okay, but that would be only in my dream, lol.

kisses and hugs

"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge."

P.s. I post this while watching Chelsea vs Barcelona (Champion League's Semi Final), this match is freaking awesome! 1-0 for Chelsea now (81'). Hope Manchester United and Chelsea could meet up once again in the final.


Anin mengatakan...

uwwooo I adore this job too! fotografer sport yang tripodnya dipake buat nopang lensa bukan kameranya sendiri hehehehe

kalo buat pertandingan bola medannya terlalu berat ky hahaha. gw kagum sama fotografer pertandingan tenis. soalnya mereka bisa banget nangkep ekspresi alami pemain (yang lebih beragam daripada pemain bola). dari nangis kesel, nangis terharu, teriak depresi, banting2 raket, dsb. lagian kan tenis individual jadinya lebih fokus ke pemain tertentu hehehe

Azarine Kyla Arinta mengatakan...

gue ngambil foto pertandingan bola buat kelas yearbook gue..dan menurut gue itu susah..entah kenapa gue tidak tertarik.tapi gue suka ngambil foto pertandingan basket! seru!!
itu juga obsesi gue jadi fotografer..tapi more like national geographic photographer..o

Kiky mengatakan...

@Anin : Iya berat banget memang tapi karena gue sukanya bola jadi ya hehehehe bakal gue jabanin apalagi nin kalo yang main bola michael ballack, udah deh kamera gue isinya dia yg dominan kali hehehehe. aduh emang deh kalo fotografer olahraga tuh seru ye bisa nangkepin ekspresi-ekspresi mantep.

@Rinta : wah mgkn karena lo suka sama basket ta hehehe, wah lo sama kayak wena ta pecinta national geographic. gue juga suka banget ngeliatin national geographic, tapi ga gue baca hehe, fotonya emang kualitasnya astaga...............keren sekali

Azarine Kyla Arinta mengatakan...

hehehe kayaknya gitu deh ky, gue suka nonton bola tapi gak suka2 amat, tp gue happy kalo nonton tanding basket..wakaka sm gue juga jarang baca2 artikelnya.banyakan liatin potonya.

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