Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009


credit1, credit2, credit3

I feel so exhausted today.

I woke up at 7 then I call my friend, Nana, to ask her about the swimming-exam. Ergh, I feel bad because I have to drive my car to Senayan on 9, then to Tebet on 10, then to school on 1 p.m, then back to home at 3 p.m.

Okay, at first it was really exciting. I love driving by myself.
you don't need to bug other people to drive you home (like I always do, lol, I'm sorry for those I've ever bug). you don't need to wait your mom/dad alone somewhere in a place you don't comfort with.

But, now the excitement has turned into madness. You know what? people were usually surprised when they saw me driving. My emotion goes wild, I turn into a very rude person when I'm driving. believe me, it's true. I say @#$*&@#&-thing many times to motorcycles or buses or mikrolet when they act like they're the owner of the road (translation: BERASA YANG PUNYA JALANAN). it's really frustrating when you have to see those fatal-morals in the road every single day in Jakarta. they risk other people and even their own life! ergh, I agree that Jakarta is freaking stressful. but I also can't leave this town that easy. it's stressful, yet very complete.

Another bad thing about driving is when you don't know which way you have to choose. this is one of my big problem when I'm driving, especially when I'm all alone in the car. Once you choose the wrong way, you'll get your own lost somewhere you don't know. this has happened to me several times. good thing I have cellphone, and God bless the inventor of the cellphone!

Well, I enjoy driving anyway. it has a good thing, too.
when I'm alone in the car, things come across my mind. especially when I look through the road and I see the big sky in front of me. that's really, errrr, peaceful (yah walaupun abis itu dirusak sama orang yang nglakson di belakang, pfft).

Do you drive, too? :)

kisses and hugs

Today's Quote:
"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."
-Robert H. Schuller

P.s You, out there, just in case you forget this day, I'm reminding you, this is The Day


Azarine Kyla Arinta mengatakan...


I love driving Ky :) but my mom won't let me drive that much because I'm not 17 yet..but I used to drive Opah's car all the time and it was nice
dan hehehhe tenang aja Ky gue juga jadi gak karu2an kok ngomongnya kalo lagi nyetir..well it's Jakarta..bahkan orang paling sabar aja bakal ngaco kalo disuruh nyetir di Jakarta hehe

Kiky mengatakan...

disana nyetir mesti pake SIM beneran ya ta? hahaha sabar ya balik2 nyetir disini ta mutarmuter dah tuh sampe enak hehe. lo ada sim ga ta disini? dulu gue disuruh bikin sim padahal gue blm 17 dan juga ga lancar nyetir abis itu gue dipaksa2, sebenernya gue ga berani tapi gara2 bokap nyokap gue males anter jemput gue, gue disuruh belajar nyetir hahaha.

masalah omongan itu emang gila ya jakarta. dan ya ampun ta kalo gue jadi lo kelamaan di amrik trs suruh nyetir di jakarta gue bakalan kagok dan shock hahaha. di Amrik macet kayak disini ga ta?

Anonim mengatakan...

AIH GW JUGA PENGEN BISA NYETIR. tapi gw adalah takut megang setir dan menginjak gas dan rem hahahaha gimana dong *termasuk kategori orang tau jalan tapi ga bisa nyetir jadinya sama aja boong*

hahaha buat tau jalan emang mesti nyasar dulu kong. kalo nyasarnya sama mobil sendiri sih enak, lah kalo sendirian salah naik metromini/angkot?? *pengalaman pribadi*

Azarine Kyla Arinta mengatakan...

gue gak bisa nyetir disini karena itu melanggar aturan pertukaran pelajar dan gue bisa dipulangin..zzz -_-

emak gue rada aneh ky, gue udah diajarin nyetir dari smp jadi pas sma gue udah lancar nyetir tp gak dibolehin nyetir kalo gue belom 17.So gue belom punya sim tapi kenapa gue diajarin dari smp kalo ampe kelas 3 sma masih belom nyetir? emak gue mah rada2 kadang2.

hmm.mungkin macet kalo di kota kayak NY ato LA ato SF ato Chicago ato Seattle,dkk. tapi gue tinggal di sebuah kota berpenduduk 80 orang, gak bisa dibandingin sm Jakarta yang notabenenya adalah NY versi Asia Tenggara..

Gue jd gak tau apakah gue sanggup ngeliat kemacetan Jakarta lagi setelah setahun gue hidup adem ayem tanpa kemacetan SATU KALI PUN selama disini..

Kiky mengatakan...

@Anin: Hahahaha belajar dong nin! Harus berani! tapi ntar kalo di bandung mah ngangkot ya nin. nah ati-ati tuh nin jangan sampe nyasar lagi ntar tau-tau mau ke kampus malah jadi ke Lembang hahaha.

@Rinta: 80 ORANG? astaga gue membayangkan sepertinya enak sekali ya ta, damai tenteram abis apa tuh kota gak kayak jakarta sumpek begini. ck ck

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