Minggu, 30 November 2008


well, I took some pictures on last Thursday on the way to The Sultan Hotel. hmm, looking at these makes me feel a little calmer. don't know what you'd think of these, but here they are..

Can you feel the wave?

taken: November 27th 2008


Renaldy Fernando Kusuma mengatakan...

wiiii keren abis sumpah fotonyeeee mehehehehehee


Kiky mengatakan...

makasooooooooy bena!

Azarine Kyla Arinta mengatakan...

I like it Ky! bagussssss. Gue ga nyangka langit Jakarta masih bisa begitu.

Kiky mengatakan...

Iya taaaaaaa gue juga ga nyangka, makanya langsung gue foto hehe

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